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Fate/stay night Svärdsman Cosplay Kostym Karneval

Fate/stay night Svärdsman Cosplay Kostym Karneval(YDC215)

List Price:  Skr1,420  
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29% OFF

The Holy Grail is the owner of the legendary of all desires to reach the treasures in order to obtain the Holy Grail of the ceremony was known as the War of the Holy Grail. Seven of the warriors crazy followers were called Master, and seven of them were called Servant enchantments. They were chosen by the Holy Grail of the seven souls, divided into seven rows, so that the identity of magic was called. Only one group for the Holy Grail, these seven groups of people in order to become the last group of each other and kill each other. The son of Wei Wei Gong Yes adopted Gong Shi Lang, accidentally with the server in the swordsman Sable (contract, he participated in the War of the Holy Grail.
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